Edison Conducts Study Of Consumer Behavior In Malls
By edisonresearch
Edison Research conducted a shopper profile study for EYE. This study identified consumer habits and behaviors of those that shop at malls with EyeCorp media as well as measured consumer attitudes and perceptions.
Among the findings included the following:
Mobile is an integral part of the purchase process. Mall shoppers actively use their phones to multi-task. Top activities include contacting a friend for an opinion (59%), looking up product information (58%) and comparing prices (56%).
Shoppers under age 45 use their phones to get more value from their purchases with mobile coupon usage (66%) ranking as their top activity, followed by price comparisons (64%).
Shopping starts with a purpose and leads to browsing. While 81% of shoppers visit the mall with a plan to make a purchase, 73% also browse.
Additional findings included awareness and engagement with mall advertising.