It’s the first month of a new year. Well, hello there January! The Christmas cookies are long gone and the decorations put away for another year. Schedules have returned to normal and we see a lot less shimmer and shine. Gyms are much more crowded this month and the phrase “new year, new you” is seen in far too many ads. Change and self-improvement are on the minds of many moms this time of year.
Change is a scary thing, and for some it is downright terrifying. However, a new year brings new promises, even for those resistant to stepping outside their box. Based on data from The Research Moms, there are some areas for moms that are ready for change.
Take exercise, for example. According to our research, 47% of moms said they exercise fewer than three days per week, with 15% saying they don’t exercise at all. Something is always better than nothing, so there is clearly room for improvement here for those moms looking to move more.
While getting fit is high on the resolution list, makeovers can rival diet and exercise. For moms looking to update their look, this could be the time. In our survey we asked moms how many times they have significantly changed their hairstyle in the last five years. The data shows that while about 22% of moms have changed hairstyle at least five times, many are not so adventurous. Most of us are known for a signature style but for the 41% of moms who have changed hairstyle just once or not at all in the last five years, 2016 could be the year for a new ‘do.
Volunteering is another area that moms may want to put some attention to this year. In our research study, we asked about volunteerism among moms. The majority of moms, at 61%, said they volunteer at least occasionally. Kudos to the 26% who said they volunteer frequently and make it part of their schedule. However, nearly 4 in 10 moms admit to almost never volunteering. Volunteering can come in many forms and for those moms who want to get more involved and give their time in any capacity, opportunities do exist.
As moms, we want to go big and do it all (because in most cases we can), but when it comes to self-improvement, whether physical or emotional, too much can sabotage our best intentions. With so much hype and pressure to do things bigger, smarter and better in 2016 how do moms draw the line between an attainable goal and one that is just a bit too lofty? They key may be to start small. Often the smallest tweaks can yield the greatest rewards. Even if 2016 is starting out less than awesome, hang in there and remember that you don’t need a new year for a fresh start. You get one each and every morning.
How the study was conducted:
The Research Moms conducted a national online survey of 540 mothers with children age 21 and under.