Monthly Podcast Consumption Surges To More Than One In Five Americans
By Edison Research
We love reporting on Podcasting here at Edison, and this year we are able to announce that the medium is growing–and growing fast. The percentage of Americans 12+ who say they have listened to a podcast in the last month is now 21%, up from 17% last year. That increase is some of the largest growth for the medium that we have observed in more than a decade of our podcast research, and represents an estimated 57 million Americans.
These data are from our upcoming Infinite Dial 2016 study, brought to you in partnership with Triton Digital. It is based upon a representative sample of 2001 Americans 12+, conducted via mobile phone and landline, to the most meticulous standards in research. These data, like all Infinite Dial data, are projectable to the U.S. population.
For more on podcasting, online radio, social media and more, sign up for The Infinite Dial Webinar, Thursday, March 10th, at 2PM. Attendance is strictly limited to 1,000, and it will fill up–so sign up now, and get there early!