The Infinite Dial® Reports · February 26, 2014

Infinite Dial 2014: The Majority of Americans Have a TV Connected to the Internet

By Tom Webster

The Infinite Dial 2014 study reveals that 51% of Americans 12+ have a TV that is either directly connected to the Internet, or has that connection through a game console, video streaming appliance or other attached device.

These and other important insights will be revealed on Wednesday, March 5th at 2PM EST, during The Infinite Dial 2014, a free one-hour webinar from Edison Research and Triton Digital.

This is the 22nd study in The Infinite Dial series, one of the longest-running research series covering consumer use of media, technology and digital platforms. This landmark study offers an unparalleled view of digital media trends since 1998. The webinar will be co-presented by Edison Research VP of Strategy Tom Webster, and Triton Digital COO Mike Agovino. Other trends to be explored in The Infinite Dial 2014 include:

  • * An update on Internet Audio usage, including new data on iTunes Radio, Beats Music, and other services
  • * Recent growth in Podcasting
  • * The growth in smartphone ownership, and how it has changed consumer behavior
  • * Updates on social media usage for services including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest and more
  • * The connected car, and in-car usage of digital media

Register here for the free webinar:

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