Black Podcast Listener Report from Edison Research, SXM Media, and Mindshare USA
By edison
43% of the U.S. Black Population are Monthly Podcast Listeners Black Podcast Listener Report 2.0 Released from Edison Research, SXM Media, and Mindshare USA
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According to Black Podcast Listener Report 2.0 fromEdison Research with SXM Media and Mindshare USA, 43% of the Black 18+ population in the U.S. has listened to a podcast in the last month. That percentage is larger than the number of the overall 18+ population that reports listening to a podcast in the last month, 38%.
Findings from the Black Podcast Listener Report 2.0 were shared in an online presentation by Edison Research Senior Director of Research Gabriel Soto, Nidia Serrano, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at SXM Media, and Alexis Reza, Associate Director of Communication Planning at Mindshare, and are now available to download.
Black women podcast listeners are more likely to be monthly listeners and Black men podcast listeners are more likely to be weekly listeners: Among Black monthly podcast listeners, 55% are women, but among Black weekly podcast listeners 52% are men. Many Black monthly podcast listeners have begun listening to podcasts recently: 48% have been listening to podcasts less than a year; 27% have been listening less than six months.
34% of Black monthly podcast listeners have stopped listening to a podcast they used to listen to regularly, but creators can address some of the reasons why: 24% of those who stopped listening said it was because the show stopped producing new episodes, 20% said they forgot about the show between seasons, 12% said the host offended them.
Black weekly podcast listeners are more likely to engage with podcast advertisers than the overall U.S. weekly podcast listener: After hearing an ad on a podcast they regularly listen to, 61% of Black weekly podcast listeners (compared with 49% of U.S. weekly podcast listeners) recommended a product to a friend or family member; 68% of Black weekly podcast listeners (compared with 63% of U.S. weekly podcast listeners) gathered more information about a company or product; 52% of Black weekly podcast listeners (compared with 44% of U.S. weekly podcast listeners) purchased a product or service.
Representation matters to Black podcast listeners: 75% of Black monthly podcast listeners frequently or occasionally follow or seek out content that focuses on Black stories and perspectives on podcasts.
According to Soto, “The report’s findings illustrate the opportunity and value of Black representation. The data depicts a clear and untapped craving for Black stories and perspectives in podcasting. And the benefits of these stories to advertisers are on full display when we consider Black listeners’ high level of engagement with advertising brands on shows with Black hosts.”
Younger listeners are more likely to listen to podcasts hosted by Black hosts: 57% of Black monthly podcast listeners age 18-24 say all or most of the podcasts they listen to are hosted by Black hosts; 35% of Black monthly podcast listeners age 55+ say the same.
Podcast topics that have increased the most year over year for Black weekly podcast listeners are: Music (47% listen to this topic v. 43% in 2021, Sports (33% listen v. 27% in 2021), TV & Movies (32% listen v. 27% in 2021), Business & Entrepreneurship (31% listen v. 26% in 2021)
Social media is a big source of podcast discovery: 36% of Black monthly podcast listeners discovered podcasts on social media when they began listening, up from 31% in 2021.
Black weekly podcast listeners who are parents have children who also listen: 41% ofBlack weekly podcast listeners are parents of children under 17, and 35% of these parents say their children also listen to podcasts.
About the survey: 2,500 people age 18+ in the U.S. who self-identify as Black/African American were interviewed in online surveys in September of 2022. The data was weighted to match age/sex/census region of U.S. Black population and Infinite Dial 2022 podcast listening statistics.
About Edison Research Edison Research conducts survey research and provides strategic information to a broad array of clients, including AMC Theatres, Apple, Disney, Facebook, Google, Oracle, Pandora, Sony and Univision. Edison Research’s The Infinite Dial® research series has been the survey of record for digital audio, social media, podcasting, smart speakers, and other media-related technologies since 1998. The study is now also conducted Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. In 2014, the company introduced Share of Ear®, a quarterly survey that serves as the only single-source measure of all audio in the U.S. Edison Research is the leading podcast research company in the world and has conducted research for NPR, Slate, Spotify, SXM Media, ESPN, WNYC Studios, and many more companies in the space. Since 2004, Edison Research has been the sole provider of Election Day data to the National Election Pool, conducting exit polls, tabulated national vote across every county in the United States, and projections and analysis for every presidential primary and general election.