It seems as if the thirst for research on younger generations of listeners is unquenchable, and the new Share of Ear® data from Edison Research provides yet another statistic that should be top of mind: One-third of those age 13-34 in the U.S. are reached daily by podcasts. If there was any doubt that younger Americans would lean in to spoken-word audio consumption, this finding marks an important threshold in the tracking of podcast listening growth.
In 2014, 7% of 13-34s were reached by podcasts — a number that has increased by almost five times — fueled by increasing content choices, portability, the push from popular streaming apps, the ability to multitask while listening, and the feeling of connection, among other reasons.
Gen Z and Boomer Podcast Listening Thought Leadership
Research on a more specific young demo, Gen Z, will be presented in first quarter as we have two major thought leadership studies on the horizon:
The Gen Z Podcast Listening Report from SXM Media and Edison Research will provide an in-depth look at the podcast habits and motivations of the elusive and highly-valued Gen Z listener.
And because Gen Zs shouldn’t get all the love and every generation is important:
Hit Play, Boomer: Podcasting’s 55+ Opportunity from NPR and Edison Research will focus on podcast listeners age 55 and older. The study will explore this oft-overlooked but highly influential demo and their podcast listening behaviors.
Registration information for those studies is forthcoming.
Advertising Agencies now have access to Share of Ear and Edison Podcast Metrics through Nielsen
Also, we are proud to share that Nielsen, a global leader in audience measurement, data and analytics, will market Edison Research’s Share of Ear and Edison Podcast MetricsTM to advertisers and agencies. Click here for more information on that announcement