The Infinite Dial Canada, by Edison Research and Triton Digital, is the newest study of consumer behavior and media consumption in the Infinite Dial series and the first to be conducted in Canada. It is modeled after the original Infinite Dial report, which has been conducted yearly in the U.S. since 1998. Some highlights from the study include:
Canadian smartphone ownership is at 76% (compared to 82% in the U.S.)
Smart speaker ownership is at 8% overall, with Google Home taking a larger share than Amazon in Canada
Nearly half of all Canadians 18+ (49%) are weekly listeners to online audio, with Spotify leading the pack in usage (16%)
As in the U.S., radio dominates in-car media consumption, with 64% of Canadians saying it is the audio source they use most in their cars
Monthly podcast listening is 28%, with 61% of Canadians 18+ being familiar with the term
Canadian podcast listeners listen to an average of five podcasts in the last week
Edison Senior VP Tom Webster presented the findings in a live webinar on April 4 – click here for the full replay with both audio and video.
How the study was conducted:
A total of 1,000 persons were interviewed to explore Canadians’ use of digital platforms and new media. In January and February of 2018, telephone interviews were conducted with respondents age 18 and older who were selected via Random Digit Dial (RDD) sampling through both landline phones and mobile phones. Surveys were offered in both the English and French languages.